12×12 Art Show

Ladysmith Gallery 32 High Street, Ladysmith

Join us for 12×12, a unique art show showcasing the creativity of local artists, all working within the dimensions of 12×12 inches.


Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me

Chemainus Theatre Festival 9737 Chemainus Road, Chemainus, BC

This highly awarded, internationally toured, inspirational true story is about overcoming obstacles, pursuing passions, and the healing power of the arts.


Flights of Fancy

Imagine That! 251 Craig Street, Duncan, BC

Featured Artist at Imagine That!

Art Show: What Makes You Happy

Ladysmith Gallery 32 High Street, Ladysmith

Discover the essence of happiness at What Makes You Happy, an art show that explores the feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.


A Sunday of Sonatas

St. Michael and All Angels Church 2858 Mill Street, Chemainus

Dr. Kevin Ayesh, pianist, clinician, and adjudicator, performs a program of piano sonatas by Beethoven, Chopin and Starer.

$23 – $30

Sweet Summer Pow Wow

Cowichan Performing Arts Centre 2687 James Street, Duncan, BC

A young Indigenous couple get a break from their troubled lives when they find each other through a summer of love on the Pow Wow circuit.


Greater Victoria Police Choir

Duncan Christian Reformed Church 930 Trunk Rd, Duncan, BC, Canada

Please join us for a afternoon of music with the Greater Victoria Police Chorus.


Art Show: Natural Elements

Ladysmith Gallery 32 High Street, Ladysmith

Explore the profound connection between nature and humanity at Natural Elements, an art show that celebrates the timeless bond we share with the natural world.


BYU Idaho Symphony Band: Symphonic Soundscapes

Cowichan Performing Arts Centre 2687 James Street, Duncan, BC

The BYU-Idaho Symphony Band features 45 of the university’s top woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians.

$10 – $20

ARTeSCAPES: Selected Works by Barbara Hague & Esther Robison

Ladysmith Gallery 32 High Street, Ladysmith

Barb and Esther’s paths passed through membership with the Palette People painting group. Later, thru the Group of Several, their camaraderie was formed. Although they differ in artistic expression, they both create uplifting, serene images that bring them, and they hope you, joy and a moment’s escape.


Mojo Rising’: The Doors Experience

Cowichan Performing Arts Centre 2687 James Street, Duncan, BC

Are you ready to go on a trip? Come out and join Mojo Risin’ as they go back in time to an era of music and poetry to celebrate the legacy of The Doors.

$45 – $50

Stay with us

Whether you are looking for cozy, quaint or quirky – Cowichan has the perfect place to lay your head. Gather in the warm embrace of home comforts and rural life.

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Eat with us

A mild, Mediterranean-like climate and an abundance of fertile land are just two of the factors that have helped Cowichan become what renowned foodie James Barber referred to as “Canada’s Provence”.

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