
Path of the Totem

Cowichan Public Art Gallery 126 Ingram Street, Duncan

The totem poles of The City of Duncan, a celebration of design and cultural significance. From the original model carvings to the final full size installations.

Admission by donation

Patti McNeice: One-Of-A-Kind

Imagine That! 251 Craig Street, Duncan

Featured Artist at Imagine That!

Duncan Farmers’ Market Night Market

Duncan Farmers’ Market 200 Craig Street, Duncan

Join us for an enchanting evening under the stars at the Duncan Farmers’ Market Night Market!


Stay with us

Whether you are looking for cozy, quaint or quirky – Cowichan has the perfect place to lay your head. Gather in the warm embrace of home comforts and rural life.

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Eat with us

A mild, Mediterranean-like climate and an abundance of fertile land are just two of the factors that have helped Cowichan become what renowned foodie James Barber referred to as “Canada’s Provence”.

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